la radio uabab #11

Radio Sonora
la radio uabab # 11
venerdì 21 dicembre 2012 ore 21,00
(replica sabato 22 dicembre ore 21,00)
p o d c a s t

Happy Song
Sun Araw & M. Geddes Gengras Meets The Congos
Icon Give Thank (RVNG Intl., 2012)
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Neneh Cherry & The Thing
The Cherry Thing (Smalltown Supersound, 2012)
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A Day Off
Henry Threadgill Zooid
Tomorrow Sunny / The Revelry, Spp (PI Recordings, 2012)
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Black Notes (feat, Gift Of Gab)
DJ Oil
Black Notes (Discograph, 2012)
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Castle In Your Heart
Chicago Underground Duo
Age Of Energy (Northern Spy, 2012)
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(il suono carsico)
Andrea Belfi
Wege (Room40, 2012)
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