la radio uabab #177

Radio Sonora
la radio uabab #177
lunedì 23 ottobre 2017 ore 9,15
(replica martedì 24 ottobre ore 21,00)


Nicola Ratti
The Collection (Room40, 2017)
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Call Myself (excerpt)

Crys Cole & Oren Ambarchi
Hotel Record (Black Truffle, 2017)
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Cadet Limbo

King Krule
The OOZ (True Panther Sound, 2017)
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Everywhere-at-the-End-of-Time-Stage-3-300x300And Heart Breaks
The Caretaker
Everywhere At The End Of Time – Stage 3 (History Always Favours The Winners, 2017)
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Rainy Sunday (Dimanche pluvieux)

Dominique Lawalrée
First Meeting (Catch Wave/Ergot, 2017)
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