la radio uabab #316

la radio uabab #316


Lucifer Pan
Drew Mulholland
My Life With The Imber Goat Cult (1911 – 1913) (Subexotic Records, 2022)
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U sosny
кот кот
I Pni (Aguirre Records, 2022)
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Manja Ristić
Him, fast sleeping, soon he found In labyrinth of many a round, self – rolled (Mappa, 2022)
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Wallah Testahel Ya Albi
Nancy Mounir
Nozhet El Nofous (Simsara Records, 2022)
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easy on the cide
Joe Rainey
Niineta (37d03d, 2022)
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Filthy Swing
Eric Chenaux
Hello Eyes (Ulyssa, 2022 cassette)
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Visit Croatia
Alabaster DePlume | Jeremiah Chiu | Marta Sofia Honer
International Anthem @ Public Records (Volume 1) (International Anthem, 2022 Ep)
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And the maps of spring always have to be redrawn again, in undared forms
Lamin Fofana
The Open Boat (Black Studies, 2022)
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Questa voce è stata pubblicata in la radio uabab, la radio uabab 2022/2023. Contrassegna il permalink.

2 risposte a la radio uabab #316

  1. Uba scrive:

    Ciao Marco
    É un piacere tornare ad ascoltarti.
    A presto e buon viaggio nell’etere.

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