Radio Sonora
la radio uabab #144
lunedì 7 novembre 2016 ore 17,00
(replica mercoledì 9 novembre ore 17,00)
The Enemy Within
Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society
Real Enemies (New Amsterdam Records, 2016)
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Three (For Me We & Them)
Taylor Ho Bynum
Enter The PlusTet (Firehouse 12 Records, 2016)
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Safety Orange (No. 59)
Mary Halvorson Octet
Away With You (Firehouse 12 Records, 2016)
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Mark Dresser Seven
Sedimental You (Clean Feed, 2016)
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Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Kurzsam and Fulger (Hubro, 2016)
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Mary Halvorson link is wrong, it lead us to São Paulo Underground album. I love São Paulo Underground’s album, but I also want to hear Mary Halvorson’s latest album.
Hi, link fixed!
thanx to your attention!