la radio uabab #190

Radio Sonora
la radio uabab #190
lunedì 5 febbraio 2018 ore 9,15
(replica: martedì 6 febbraio ore 21,00)

Yellow House
Mostly Other People Do the Killing
Paint (Hot Cup Records, 2017)
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Day Dream

Greg Saunier | Mary Halvorson | Ron Miles
New American Songbooks, Volume 1 (Sound American, 2017)
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Basement-Sessions-Vol.-4-The-Bali-Tapes-300x300Suling (excerpt)
Espen Aalberg | Jonas Kullhammar | Torbjörn Zetterberg | Susana Santos Silva
Basement Sessions Vol. 4 (The Bali Tapes) (Clean Feed, 2017)
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When Her Lips Collapsed
The Hands (Rune Grammofon, 2018)
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Accelerated Projection V
Roscoe Mitchell | Matthew Shipp
Accelerated Projection (RogueArt, 2018)
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