la radio uabab #277

Radio Sonora la radio uabab #277

Eulalia Floe

Chris Jusell | Chaz Prymek | Matthew Sage | Patrick Shiroishi
Setsubun (節分) (Cached Media, 2021)
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Big Summer

Daniel Bachman
Axacan (Three Lobed Recordings, 2021)
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Slipping the Mooring / Pond
M. Sage with The Spinnaker Ensemble
The Wind of Things (Geographic North, 2021)
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Cañones (El Pueblo Unido)
Susan Alcorn | Leila Bordreuil | Ingrid Laubrock
Bird Meets Wire (Relative Pitch Records, 2021)
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Chris Schlarb | Chad Taylor
Time No Changes (Astral Spirits, 2021)
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Questa voce è stata pubblicata in la radio uabab, la radio uabab 2020/2021. Contrassegna il permalink.

2 risposte a la radio uabab #277

  1. Thomas scrive:

    Great show, great idea this imaginary soundtrack. It would suit better to this movie.
    Saluto dalla Francia

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