la radio uabab #342

la radio uabab #342


Song of Consolation

Matt Elliott
The End of Days (Ici D’Ailleurs, 2023)
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Gentlemen & Ladies

Josephine Foster
Domestic Sphere (Fire Records, 2023)
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Migration Trails
Sainkho Namtchylak
Where Water Meets Water: Bird Songs and Lullabies (Ponderosa Music Records, 2023)
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Became Daily Today

Lia Kohl
The Ceiling Reposes (American Dreams, 2023)
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All Fall Down

Rat Heart Ensemble
Northern Luv Songs 4 Wen Ur Life’s A Mess (Shotta Tapes, 2023)
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Peach Blossom

Piotr Kurek
Peach Blossom (Mondoj, 2023)
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Arooj Aftab | Vijay Iyer | Shahzad Ismaily
Love In Exile (Verve, 2023)
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Modern Sorrow

Richard Youngs
Modern Sorrow (Black Truffle, 2023)
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Questa voce è stata pubblicata in la radio uabab, la radio uabab 2022/2023. Contrassegna il permalink.

2 risposte a la radio uabab #342

  1. Paolo scrive:

    Gran bella puntata! Il link di Matt Elliott non è corretto ma si recupera da uabab!

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