la radio uabab #358


Now and Then (2023 mix)

The Beatles
Now and Then (Calderstone Productions, 2023)
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Now and Then (Lennon’s Tape)

John Lennon
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Joni Void
Everyday Is The Song (Constellation Records, 2023)
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A Sala
TV Songs (Discrepant, 2023)
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Janet’s Song
Maths Balance Volumes
Cycles of Tonight (Penultimate Press, 2023)
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Tara Clerkin Trio
On The Turning Ground (World of Echo, 2023)
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Spor etter spor (mellom oss)
Erlend Apneseth Trio with Maja Ratkje
Collage (Hubro, 2023)
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Walk The Talk
Pierre Bastien | Michel Banabila
Baba Soirée (Pingipung, 2023)
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Music or Noise
Return To Archive (Smithsonian Folkways, 2023)
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Knochen, Mond, Buchstabe & Tropfen
Läuten der Seele
Ertrunken Im Seichtesten Gewässer (World of Echo, 2023)
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Questa voce è stata pubblicata in la radio uabab, la radio uabab 2023/2024. Contrassegna il permalink.

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