la radio uabab #56

Radio Sonora
la radio uabab #56
venerdì 4 aprile 2014 ore 21,00
(replica sabato 5 aprile ore 21,00)
p o d c a s t

Over-There-Sounds-and-Images-of-Black-Europe-2013-300x266 Bi E o le E le
Josiah Ransome Kuti
Over There! Sounds and Images of Black Europe (Bear Family, 2013 3cd)
more details

The Preacher’s Baptist Beat
James Brandon Lewis
Divine Travels (Okeh, 2014)
more details
( ( ( ) ) )

No, I Don’t Snore
No Problem Saloon (Crammed Discs, 2014)
more details
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De-La-Soul-Smell-The-DA.I.S.Y.-2014-300x300Taking The Train
De La Soul & J Dilla
SMELL THE D.A.I.S.Y. (Da Inner Soul of Yancy)
(free download, 2014)
more details
( ( ( ) ) )


First Part: Adoration of the Earth Introduction

The Bad Plus
The Rite Of Spring (Sony, 2014)
more details
( ( ( ) ) )

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