Archivi categoria: Avant Ethno Orchestra

Bengt Berger | Cool Funeral Beer
Day 1 – The Creation of the Final Ancestor Shrine

Bengt Berger | Cool Funeral Beer Day 1 – The Creation of the Final Ancestor Shrine (Country & Eastern, 2022) more details

Pubblicato in 2022, Avant Ethno Jazz, Avant Ethno Orchestra, Bengt Berger, Cool Funeral Beer | 1 commento

Bengt Berger
Bitter Funeral Beer

Bengt Berger Bitter Funeral Beer (ECM, 1982) more details

Pubblicato in 1982, Anita Livstand, Avant Ethno, Avant Ethno Orchestra, Avant Jazz, Bengt Berger, Bosse Skoglund, Christer Bothén, Don Cherry, Jörgen Adolfsson, Kjell Westling, Matthias Helldén, panoptikum, Sigge Kranzt, Thomas Mera Gartz, Tommy Adolfsson, Tord Bengtsson, Ulf Wallander | 1 commento