Archivi categoria: Drew Mulholland

The Galaxy Electric | Droog Mulholland
Muzak From The Korova Milkbar

The Galaxy Electric | Droog Mulholland Muzak From The Korova Milkbar (Subexotic Records, 2024) more details

Pubblicato in 2024, Augustus Green, Drew Mulholland, Droog Mulholland, Electronic, Jacqueline Caruso, Muzak, Psych Pop, Retro Futurism, Sci-Fi, The Galaxy Electric | 2 commenti

Drew Mulholland
My Life With The Imber Goat Cult (1911​-​1913)

Drew Mulholland My Life With The Imber Goat Cult (1911​-​1913) (Subexotic Records, 2022) more details

Pubblicato in 1911, 1912, 1913, 2022, Drew Mulholland, Experimental, Experimental Folk, Field Recording, Gothic, Gothic Folk, Hauntology, Horror Folk | 1 commento