Archivi categoria: James Elkington

Steve Gunn
The Unseen In Between

Steve Gunn The Unseen In Between (Matador Records, 2019) more details

Pubblicato in 2019, Adult Songwriting, Daniel Schlett, Indie, Indie Folk, Indie Rock, Indie Song, Jacob Daneman, James Elkington, Lia Kohl, Macie Stewart, Meg Baird, Song, Steve Gunn, TJ Mainani, Tony Garnier | 1 commento

Michael Chapman

Michael Chapman 50 (Paradise Of Bachelors, 2017) more details

Pubblicato in 2017, Americana, Bridget St John, Folk Rock, James Elkington, Jason Meagher, Jimy SeiTang, Michael Chapman, Nathan Bowles, settimanalmente 2017, Song, Steve Gunn | 1 commento