Archivi categoria: Ingar Zach

Dans Les Arbres
L’Album Vert

Dans Les Arbres L’Album Vert (Aspen Edities, 2024) more details

Pubblicato in 2024, Avant Chamber Music, Christian Wallumrød, Contemporary, Dans Les Arbres, Impro, Ingar Zach, Ivar Grydeland, Xavier Charles | 3 commenti

Erik Honoré

Erik Honoré Triage (Punkt Editions, 2024) more details

Pubblicato in 2024, Ambient Jazz, Anders Engen, Avant Electro Jazz, Avant Song, Bjorn Charles Dreyer, Bjørn Charles Dreyer, David Toop, Eivind Aarset, Electroacoustic, Electroacoustic Jazz, Electronic, Eric Honoré, Experimental, Ingar Zach, Jan Bang, Kirke Karja, Maja S. K. Ratkje, Mats Eilertsen, Nils Petter Molvær, Sidsel Endresen, Snorre Kiil Saga | 1 commento

Ingar Zach
Musica Liquida

Ingar Zach Musica Liquida (Sofa Music, 2022) more details

Pubblicato in 2022, Avant Percussion, Contemporary, Electroacoustic, Experimental, Ingar Zach | 1 commento

Kim Myhr
Sympathetic Magic

Kim Myhr Sympathetic Magic (Hubro, 2022) more details

Pubblicato in 2022, Adrian Myhr, Anja Lauvdal, Avant Jazz Rock, David Stackenäs, Hans Hulbækmo, Håvard Volden, Ingar Zach, Kim Myhr, Michaela Antalová, Modern Composition, Modern Creative, Orchestral Ambient, Synth Ambient, Synth Soundscape | 2 commenti

Ingar Zach | Michele Rabbia
Musique Pour Deux Corps

Ingar Zach | Michele Rabbia Musique Pour Deux Corps (Sofa Music/Full Rhizome-Sonoro, 2021) more details

Pubblicato in 2021, Avant Beat, Avant Percussion, Electronic, Experimental, Ingar Zach, Michele Rabbia, Organic Ambient | 1 commento

Kim Myhr | Quatuor Bozzini | Caroline Bergvall | Ingar Zach
pressing clouds passing crowds

Kim Myhr | Quatuor Bozzini | Caroline Bergvall | Ingar Zach pressing clouds passing crowds (Hubro, 2018) more details

Pubblicato in 2018, Avant, Avant Folk, Caroline Bergvall, Ingar Zach, Kim Myhr, Modern Composition, Quatuor Bozzini, Spoken Word | 2 commenti

(Esteban Algora, Alessandra Rombolà, Ingar Zach)


O3 (Esteban Algora, Alessandra Rombolà, Ingar Zach) Trashumancia (Sofa, 2017) more details

Pubblicato in 2017, Alessandra Rombolà, Esteban Algora, Impro, Ingar Zach, O3, Organic | 1 commento

Dans Les Arbres

Dans Les Arbres Phosphorescence (Hubro, 2017) more details

Pubblicato in 2017, Avant Chamber Music, Christian Wallumrød, Dans Les Arbres, Ingar Zach, Ivar Grydeland, Organic, Xavier Charles | 1 commento

Ingar Zach
Le Stanze

Ingar Zach Le Stanze (SOFA, 2016) more details

Pubblicato in 2016, Avant Percussion, Experimental, Ingar Zach | 1 commento

Ingar Zach / Miguel Angel Tolosa

Ingar Zach / Miguel Angel Tolosa Loner (Sofa Music, 2015) more details

Pubblicato in 2015, Ambient, Electroacoustic, Electronic, Field Recordings, Ingar Zach, Miguel Angel Tolosa | 1 commento


Huntsville Pond (Hubro, 2015) more details

Pubblicato in 2015, Avant, Experimental, Huntsville, Impro, Ingar Zach, Ivar Grydeland, Micro Noise, settimanalmente 2015, Tonny Kluften | 1 commento

Bucket of Songs

LabField Bucket of Songs (Hubro, 2015) more details

Pubblicato in 2015, Avant Ethno, Avant Song, David Stackenäs, Electronic, Giuseppe Ielasi, Impro, Ingar Zach, Mariam Wallentin, Minimal, Organic, settimanalmente 2015 | 1 commento

Past Increasing Future Receding

Huntsville Past Increasing Future Receding (Hubro, 2013) more details

Pubblicato in 2013, Avant, Dark Jazz, Electroacoustic, Electronic, Huntsville, Ingar Zach, Ivar Grydeland, Tonny Kluften | 1 commento

Dans Les Arbres Canopée

Dans Les Arbres Canopée (ECM, 2012) more details

Pubblicato in 2012, Avant, Avant Jazz, Chamber Jazz, Christian Wallumrød, Dans Les Arbres, Impro, Ingar Zach, Ivar Grydeland, Minimal, Minimalism, Organic, Xavier Charles | 1 commento

Mural Live at the Rothko Chapel

Mural Live at the Rothko Chapel (Rothko Chapel, 2011) more details

Pubblicato in 2010, 2011, Impro, Ingar Zach, Jim Denley, Kim Myhr, Live, Minimal, Mural | 1 commento