Joachim Nordwall
Soul Music

Joachim Nordwall
Soul Music
(Entr’acte, 2013)
more details

Questa voce è stata pubblicata in 2013, Ambient, Avant, Dark Ambient, ipnotic, Joachim Nordwall, Trance. Contrassegna il permalink.

5 risposte a Joachim Nordwall
Soul Music

  1. borguez scrive:

    Joachim Nordwall Soul Music
    link removed by request

  2. Entr'acte scrive:

    Please remove the link to the files
    immediately. Thank you.

  3. Entr'acte scrive:


  4. Suomynope scrive:

    It’s really very stupid of the label to tell you to remove the files when – so far – it’s a vinyl only release. Downloads are free marketing that help vinyl sales, not hinder them. I might want to buy a copy because, like Entr’acte, I like physical objects. But first I’d like to hear the whole LP so I can decide whether or not I like it enough to do that. If I don’t then I’ll delete the files after listening because there’s no sense keeping music I don’t like, is there. Who loses out from that procedure? No one, that’s who.

    Wake up, Entr’acte. Stop acting like people from a previous era; people who can’t see the wood for trees.

    • Entr'acte scrive:


      thanks for your comment. the point you fail
      to consider is one of proper engagement: if the
      proprietor of this blog had contacted us directly
      and requested to host the files, i can assure you
      that we would’ve gladly obliged. perhaps it’s the
      blog hosts who need to wise up and work with
      labels such as ours, not behind our backs.

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