Rafael Toral
Space Quartet

Rafael Toral
Space Quartet
(Clean Feed, 2018)
more details

Questa voce è stata pubblicata in 2018, Avant Jazz, Experimental, Hugo Antunes, João Pais Filipe, Rafael Toral, Ricardo Webbens, Space Jazz, Synth. Contrassegna il permalink.

2 risposte a Rafael Toral
Space Quartet

  1. borguez scrive:

    Rafael Toral Space Quartet

  2. Rafael Toral scrive:

    Producing this CD has cost a lot of money and energy.
    By making it available for free you are directly hurting artists and the labels.
    Music doesn’t come from the air. If you like music, support the musicians and independent labels, instead of stealing the music and offering it for free. Where did you get the right to do that?

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