Wadada Leo Smith, Jamie Saft, Joe Morris, Balazs Pandi
Red Hill

coverWadada Leo Smith, Jamie Saft, Joe Morris, Balazs Pandi
Red Hill
(RareNoiseRecords, 2014)
more details

Questa voce è stata pubblicata in 2014, Avant Jazz, Balazs Pandi, Impro, Jamie Saft, Joe Morris, Wadada Leo Smith. Contrassegna il permalink.

2 risposte a Wadada Leo Smith, Jamie Saft, Joe Morris, Balazs Pandi
Red Hill

  1. borguez scrive:

    Wadada Leo Smith, Jamie Saft, Joe Morris, Balazs Pandi Red Hill
    link removed by request

  2. Giacomo Bruzzo scrive:

    Hi there – I’d be glad again to organise a discount for Borguez users

    Please be so kind and remove the upload link.

    Artists were paid to make this recording, we have to work hard to recoup, and seeing it thrown out there for nothing is really hurtful, to the point of being insulting.

    Pls contact me next time you put RareNoise music up

    Thank you in advance

    Giacomo Bruzzo

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