William Parker
Wood Flute Songs: Anthology/Live 2006-2012

William-Parker-Wood-Flute-SongsWilliam Parker
Wood Flute Songs:
Anthology/Live 2006-2012
(Aum Fidelity, 2013 8Cd)
more details

Questa voce è stata pubblicata in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, Avant Blues, Avant Jazz, Live, William Parker. Contrassegna il permalink.

2 risposte a William Parker
Wood Flute Songs: Anthology/Live 2006-2012

  1. Nikki scrive:

    RUYASAKSG on December 12, 2010 Did you know that every negative emotion, such as anger, envy, jealousy and others come back to you three times as hard after you release it onto someone else? In physics, it is called the law of return. Any energy whether if it is positive or negative, comes back to the original source three times stronger. When you keep anger towards someone, or you wish bad things upon someone, that same energy comes back to you three times stronger. its time to start being kind..

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